Monday, August 25, 2008

The Airport Disaster...

Chapter 1: The News

The agent informed my dad of the news of our flight from Shanghai to Toronto. Though I didn't understand the words of the discussion in Chinese, I could tell that he wasn't happy about it. When they finished their discussion, I asked my dad, "What was that about?" wondering what could have made him this upset. Usually, small things would pass, since he is good at controlling his anger, unlike the other three quarters of the family.
"Our flight," he began, "is going to be delayed by four hours, from a a typhoon in Hong Kong. That's where our airplane is coming from. So instead of going at 5:30 p.m., we leave at 9:30."I was just about to protest, but he clearly wasn't finished." Then, after we take our long flight on the airplane, and arrive in Toronto at 11:00 p.m. which will not take two hours because of the time difference of 12 hours, we would have missed our connecting flight to Newark by two hours. And the next flight to Newark, is at 6:30 a.m. so, they promised us a hotel to sleep at until our next flight comes, which by the way, is not booked yet. And if it were, then it would be a very small, bumpy, and noisy airplane."
But for those of you who do know me, you all know that I don't take small things that could anger me the slightest bit very well. So imagine that, except in a huger situation like this one. I didn't see myself, but i think that i blew up; exploded, hiding in the bathroom to scream as softly, but as high pitched as I could. 
After i calmed down, I asked, "Why didn't you book the 6:30 a.m. flight?" I knew he probably asked, since he follows the rule 'when life gives you lemons, take it, and ask, "what else have you got for me?"' so what made the lady not book it for him?
"She said," he replied, "that I would have to book it when we go to Toronto, and since we have to wait until then, we may not get a seat on the airplane." 
So, I had to wait a long time before I went onto the airplane. The only good part was that the airport had internet connection, and because of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, they renovated the airport so that there were flat screen televisions on top of some of the seats so people could watch the closing ceremony, and I got to email a few people, including my mom, who was probably already in the U.S. while I was stuck here in the airport, waiting for my flight, and the rest of my doom.


Dawn Uzumaki said...

I really like your story! I didn't even know there was a TYPHOON!!! I really like it so far but you should add a bit more detail. I think I MIGHT follow your idea and make my posts a bit shorter so then it doesn't look like a pile of mush. I really can imagine you blowing up. I also have a connection: I connect to you because my dad used to hair a temper problem too but now he is not as short tempered, like your dad!!! :D
~Dawn Uzumaki
P.S: How come your post is behind Annapurna's even though she posted first? Is that because you left yours as a draft and didn't publish until later? Also, this is on the ride home, right? How many people were there? Did anyone else blow up like your sister?

Anonymous said...

ahhhh....the typhoon...i think it almost messed up the sailing event in the olympics. i have a similar story: at first the flight got delayed 4 hrs. then 1 hr. then 3 hrs. and 15 min. then there was a storm in beijing so we had to land in harbin. it took them 3 hrs to book the whole plane into all these different hotels in harbin cuz we needed to leave so the plane could get gas. heck, the hotel staff wasnt even up when we landed. then we were told to eat breakfast. then after all these hrs, we finally left harbin on the same plane at 1:00 then we had to go back to beijing. and the end, i threw up real bad and didnt have an appetite for a couple of days (i got air sick) was...long...

Jill said...

it's before annapurna's post because i started this post days ago, and i didn't work on it for a while, so annapurna got to publish hers before i did.

wow, i never get airsick, and i guess ur problem was a bit worst that mine, but oh well.