Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Words from My Brother

My brother loves science. So, here is a small bit of information from him to you (from here on it's his words only that I typed).

Mars has the most hugest volcano in the Solar System. Its name is Olympus Monz, named after the mountain of the Greek Gods. But Olympus Monz is three times bigger than Mt. Everest. And right now Olympus Monz is extinct because it's never erupting again. Olympus Monz would be safe to climb up because Mars has less gravity than Earth to pull you down. And Olympus Monz could have once been very, very active, and it may have also had life on the very bottom of it. Olympus Monz would make all of the other volcanoes on Earth look like babies. And it would fit 2.5 Mt. Everest's to go up and down Olympus Monz. If you don't believe in this, Olympus Monz has a crater inside itself. And Mars is a very interesting place where you can see Olympus Monz. And Olympus Monz still has a lot to be discovered.

So, those were my brother's words of wisdom to you. Use them wisely!


Jill said...

i liked it better when u said "is he smart or what?" i said that in my draft "annapurna, what r u doing?" but, it is quite funny. does ur brother know that u wrote that about him? i wonder in what cases should i use the oh-so-wise words of sidharta vadaparty... maybe a science pop quiz...

Dawn Uzumaki said...

:D Hiya, everyone! Actually, where is everyone? I haven't seen Jill and Jenny cause' I always log on at the wrong time... Sonia is going to like 5 beaches, and Priya is at a waterpark with her awesome cousin... But where are you Sanjana? (eating chocolate?) Also, Jill, I have to ask, but when are you coming back? School starts on Septameber 4th, right? So I want to chat with you before we have to go to school...Plus you have to get stuff on the supply list right? Like the erasable highlighter which gave us much trouble... Anyway, nice post Annapurna, a bit short though...By the way, did you fix the grammar in the post? Cause' it doesn't sound like your brother at all...


P.S: Just a lot of wondering questions cause' Katie has gone to get off the nail polish...the hot pink one...

Anonymous said...

your bro should join the SO, no kiddin...he has the brains...especially if he can memorize that stuff, it would be really helpful to the team. but lets just wait til he gets a little more...hmmm...mature?

Anonymous said...

and kaori, i cant seem to access your blog. its says,like, "you werent invited" or something. just to let you know.

Anonymous said...

there are a few grammer mistakes though. a lot of "and"s that start a sentence. and how the volcano is the "most HUGEST" in the solar system. but pretty good grammer overall.

Jill said...

the highlighter also gave me a problem. but seriously, who really cares if it's erasable or not? also, i chatted with u yesterday priscilla. sorry i couldn't get back to u at 8:00, when i got home, i was so tired that by the time i finnished dinner, i wanted to sleep, so i had to take my shower and go to sleep.

school should start this year on september 4th. a bit early though; last year it was the 10th. oh well.

and whats the SO?

Anonymous said...

sigh...i dont know why im still not used to this. i go through this ALL the time. anytime i put "so" or "SO" or even "s.o." or "S.O." someone questions it. SO stands for Science Olympiad.

Dawn Uzumaki said...

Mer, how come your comment is after Jill's? Yours is posted earlier so wouldn't yurs be up first? Odd. Thanks Jill for telling me that; I stayed up to 10pm... Oh well, my hair had to dry anyway. Also, Mer, I'll try to get your account to be allowed onto my blog. But if you have only a Yahoo account you can't go online I think that Blogger is supported by Google, that's why my mom can't go on. I'll send it now, okay?
~Dawn Uzumaki

Anonymous said...

thanks, dawn uzumaki! Either somethhings wrong with the clock or i dont know what happened to the posts. When i posted that, jill's post was already there. Anyway, to anyone whose interested, i just found out from a good going-to-eighth-grade friend of mine how we're going to get our schedules on the first day of school: everyone sits in the gym and they call you up one by one. (note that there are about 500 people in our school). i think theyre trying to prepare us for the eighth grade graduation...

Anonymous said...

uhh...could i mention that there is something really wrong with the clock? i posted the previous post at around 6:35 PM...not 3:31 PM...

Dawn Uzumaki said...

I already got my homeroom teacher, you get it through the mail. They go in alphabetical order and get your schedule from the teacher once you get there. What is confusing is that they use numbers like B240 instead of B14 or something like our old school did.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...so maybe i was wrong...ah well. i got mrs. scully, she didnt update her website so i have no clue what subject she teaches...but not math...you can tell as soon as you see the name "Burnet" on the list i made of ppl in my class. heads up to all who dont know their way around the school: im pretty confident that most B-somethings are upstairs...yeah. there are some real annoying ppl in my class...one close friend...several friends...four that i dont know...and yeah. it adds up to 19 so im pretty sure there are some new ppl in the class...yeah...

Anonymous said...

wait...anderson...a spanish teacher. thats who rg got...french was her first choice though...

Anonymous said...

more updates on hr teachers: calabro doesnt seem to have a teachers page...neither does mennit... looks like jill got ramsay...social studies. annapurna got ferrante...ooo, science. i want science. hey! they still have jenny on the list...yeah..thats about it...the fact that my hr teacher doesnt even have

Jill said...

i got mr. or ms. carver. i didn't say if it was a ms or a mr so i was confused. i think it's a she... that would be embarrasing if it was a he though...
my class is 211. i think i'll just look through the friend finder to find my class mates, or something.
by the way emily, i got carver, not ramsey. my last name is Li.
don't mention jenny. i miss her too much...

Jill said...

i just found out that my teacher is a he :|...no comment. oh well. he's a social studies teacher. wow.

by the way, how did u find the people in ur class?

Anonymous said...

yearbook...just look at the last names that fit....but wise words from rg: THESE ARE NOT OUR REAL HR....the are just for advisory or whatever word she used....

Jill said...

who is rg? radikha? or however u spell her name?

anyways, my mom says that there aren't any homeroom teachers anymore; yeah, they're somewhat advisers. they just give u a schedule and u follow it. no real homeroom teacher.

Anonymous said...

yes rg is radhika.

Jill said...

she hasn't been here for a while...

Anonymous said...

who is mer? is that u, emily?

Anonymous said...

yup =) 'sup flora! i decided to change my name anyways...hey, school starts tom. does anyone know what we might need to bring? theres no way im fitting all my school supplies in my backpack. and theres not gonna be any gym or stuff right? just hr and meeting you teachers i think...

Anonymous said...

i must say....now that school's started, not as many ppl are leaving comments....heck, even i shouldnt be here! what am i doing here?!?!?!?!? i should be doing sci or math hw....kk..bb

Unknown said...

it's ok.
i'm here right before school