Thursday, September 6, 2007

EXTRA, EXTRA, read all about it!

I don't know what you think, but I think enough is enough. Homework is supposed to be benificial, at least thats what the teachers say. And to a certain point it is...the problem is, the amount of homework the teachers give us is many a time WAY beyond that point.

In a Time For Kids magazine we had to read in school, it even said that kids who do 60 minutes of homework per day get the same benifeits as those who do 90 minutes of homework a day. That's thirty minutes of spare time that you could use practicing an instrument, playing a sport, doing crafts, or many other extracurricular activities, or even just talking, or watching TV. Down the drain. Wasted. No, none of those can happen since a whole half an hour is wasted on unnecissary homework. Thirty minutes may not seem like a lot, but if you had thirty minutes every single day of every single week...well, it adds up. I'm not saying that homework is always bad, but too much of anything is bad.

The extra homework that they give us is not always hard, it's just unnessecary.For example in math, they'll give you a full page of two digit addition in FIFTH GRADE! This is not hard, but it is unneeded, unwanted, and uncalled for. (Well, you could think of it as hard, because it is awfully hard to stay focused on homework of this level of intriguingness.) If the newspaper EXTRA ever ran out of extras, they could just ask some school teachers for some everyday homework.

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Annapurna said...

I hope you liked my essay on homework! Read all of the posts! Leave comments on all of them!

Unknown said...

go annavadapurnaparty! u r totally right. 2 much hw is just plain uncool.

Annapurna said...

It was a nice article to read. I agree that too much rote is unnecessary. Kumar.

Jill said...
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