Saturday, April 25, 2009

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Has it ever occured to you that you may not have had a purpose, or you are just here because you are your parents' child, your siblings' sibling, or your friends' friend? All of these questions had never occurred to Jeremy Fink, a city born almost teenager. But, as soon as a mysterious box, said to contain the meaning of life (supposedly made by his dead father), is delivered to him on the first day of summer vacation, this question is circling his head. It is to be opened on Jeremy's thirteenth birthday. There is only one problem: the previous owner of the box had misplaced the keys. So, Jeremy and his friend, Lizzy, must search all of New York to find the keys, but when they're last attempt draws them into community service, Jeremy thinks he'll never find them.
This is a great book, and every chapter will leave you wanting for more! It's a great summer read, and you'll never put the book down-- until you truly find the meaning of life.