Friday, November 30, 2007

My Louisiana Sky

Tiger Ann Parker is bright in school and better than the boys at baseball, but she's forever being teased about her parents by the popular girls in her class. Tiger knows her folks are different from others in their small town, Saitter, Louisiana. They are mentally slow, and Tiger tries to keep her pain and embarrassment hidden as long as her strong, smart grandmother runs the household. Then suddenly, Granny dies, and Aunt Dorie Kay arrives, offering Tiger Ann a way out. Now Tiger has to choose from living a simple life on the beautiful countryside in Saitter to take care of her slow parents, or to live in the sophisticated life in the city of Baton Rouge with her Aunt.
This book describes everything, from the color of a blue dress being like a hard rain in the Louisiana sky, to how a sun bonnet makes Tiger feel goofy and how a scarf makes her feel sophisticated.
Kimberly Willis Holt writes this book as if you were in Tiger's shoes. I strongly recomend reading this book.

1 comment:

Jill said...

even if i read this book in 4th grade, it still is a really good book.